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Everything You Need To Know About Weight Loss Medication

The FDA just approved a new class of weight loss medicine, but what does that mean for your weight loss goals? Follow Rise’s blog to find out what to expect. You’ve likely seen all the media buzz about weight loss medication. Whether its Semaglutide or Tirzepatide — the results are real, but you still have some doubts.

The FDA just approved a new class of weight loss medicine, but what does that mean for your weight loss goals? Follow Rise’s blog to find out what to expect.

You’ve likely seen all the media buzz about weight loss medication. Whether its Semaglutide or Tirzepatide — the results are real, but you still have some doubts.

While the products listed above aren’t intended for losing weight, rest assured that medications are specifically designed for it. In fact, the FDA just officially approved GLP-1 (glucagon-like peptide-1) to reduce weight for medical or aesthetic purposes!

The approval happened in November of 2023 — and people who have consistently struggled with obesity are understandably excited about this new medical advancement.

However, there are a few catches before you rush to the doctor to get a prescription. We asked Rise Medical Director Dr. Scott Finkbeiner everything he knows about GLP-1s to help our members and the rest of our followers make the best decisions for them.

What is GLP-1?

Glucagon-like peptide-1 is a hormone produced in the gut that naturally regulates appetite and blood sugar levels. When you feel full after a meal, that feeling is your GLP-1 levels elevating and slowing stomach emptying.

"The weight loss medication we use at Rise contains GLP-1 (glucagon-like peptide-1), which is crucial for balancing your metabolic functions.” Explained Dr. Finkbeiner. “It aids in insulin release, reduces glucagon secretion, and makes you feel fuller for longer. It’s a new approach to weight management that supports sustainable weight loss and improves metabolic health."

What’s The Difference Between GLP-1s for Diabetes Management and Weight Loss?

While GLP-1s were originally developed for diabetes management, the medication mimics the GLP-1 hormone to reduce weight significantly. This caught the attention of medical professionals and the general public alike, starting the trend of celebrities and influencers using the medication when they didn’t need it.

Now that the FDA has approved medication specifically for weight loss, you may think “Why should I use one version over the other if they both contain the same ingredients?”

Dr. Finkbeiner broke down a few core differences between the two:

  • Diabetes Control: “Medications with liraglutide and semaglutide focus more on controlling blood sugar levels by enhancing insulin secretion and reducing glucagon production in response to meals. Weight loss is a primary side effect of this medication, but the primary goal is glycemic control.”
  • Weight Loss: “Newer formulations of GLP-1 contain higher doses of liraglutide and semaglutide tailored to appetite control. By increasing the GLP-1 hormone concentration to reduce food intake, the effects on blood sugar balance are incidental compared to weight loss.”

What Are The Benefits?

The risks of obesity are well-documented, but effective weight loss methods are few and far between.

The medical community unanimously agrees that calorie deficits and regular exercise are the safest, most sustainable form of weight loss. However, this routine is difficult for many people to adopt with their busy schedules and the convenience of unhealthy food.

GLP-1s do not eliminate the need for balanced diets and exercise, but this medicinal aid is promising for addressing America’s obesity epidemic.

After almost 30 years as a board-certified internist, Dr. Finkbeiner couldn’t hide his excitement for an FDA-approved GLP-1. “Your weight is a major influence on your health, and obesity leads to so many preventable diseases. I can’t even tell you the impact we’ve seen in the medical world as weight loss lowers the risk for diabetes, heart disease, and cancer,” he said.

What’s The Catch?

GLP-1 isn’t a quick fix or weight loss hack. The fact is losing weight that quickly and without expert oversight can lead to complications.

Your body has several different types of fat that serve unique purposes: visceral fats, subcutaneous fats, and essential fats. Some visceral fat is necessary to protect vital organs, but too much of it leads to the health problems associated with obesity.

GLP-1s mainly reduce visceral and subcutaneous fat — the drawback comes from many patients not knowing how much they need to lose to maintain a healthy body fat percentage. On top of losing too much vital fat, the other danger of GLP-1 is losing the lean muscle mass that optimizes metabolic functions and protects bone health.

Dr. Finkbeiner explains the risks: “The weight loss is real, but it is unsafe long-term without physician monitoring. On average, 30% of the weight loss on this medication is lean muscle mass loss — and losing lean muscle makes it difficult to maintain weight loss once the medicine is stopped."

How To Use GLP-1s Safely

Now that we know the negative health implications of using GLP-1s unmonitored, everyone should understand that they need to exercise caution before starting a medical weight loss journey.

Unfortunately, these medications have become easily available online. With all the media attention products like this have gained, people rushed to try it without their physician establishing a clear wellness path.

This has the potential to create issues in the future for people who were quick to jump on the trend. However, using this medication responsibly is possible!

To reap the benefits of GLP-1s and avoid future drawbacks, Dr. Finkbeiner advises: “You need to be monitored while on this medication. You need regular body composition tests to measure your visceral fat, subcutaneous fat, and most importantly lean muscle mass. You also need regular blood work to track kidney function, electrolytes, blood sugar cholesterol, and cholesterol."

Choosing Rise for Medical Weight Loss

With its recent FDA approval, GLP-1 medications are an encouraging medical advancement that can reduce preventable diseases and help people manage their weight. Still, don't put your long-term health at risk to achieve your goal weight.

Luckily, your path to medical weight loss will be easy, convenient, and (above all) safe with help from a Rise professional.

“At Rise Health, our physicians are well-versed in the important parameters to follow,” Dr. Finkbeiner said. “We take it a step further by connecting you with a team of providers who consistently monitor you and help you lose weight in a sustainable, healthy way.”

If you are considering GLP-1s for weight loss, put your health in the experienced hands at Rise! We’re excited to leverage this new health innovation to help you reach your goals safely and effectively.

Book your consultation to see if GLP-1 is right for you.

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